Sunburst: connecting the dots in the DNS requests

Sunburst: connecting the dots in the DNS requests

On December 13, 2020 FireEye published important details of a newly discovered supply chain attack. An unknown attacker, referred to as UNC2452 or DarkHalo planted a backdoor in the SolarWinds Orion IT software. This backdoor, which comes in the form of a .NET module, has some really interesting and rather unique features.

We spent the past days checking our own telemetry for signs of this attack, writing additional detections and making sure that our users are protected. At the moment, we identified approximately ~100 customers who downloaded the trojanized package containing the Sunburst backdoor. Further investigation is ongoing and we will continue to update with our findings.

Now, several things really stand out for this incident. This supply chain attack was designed in a very professional way – kind of putting the “A” in “APT” – with a clear focus on staying undetected for as long as possible. For instance, before making the first internet connection to its C2s, the Sunburst malware lies dormant for a long period, of up to two weeks, which prevents an easy detection of this behavior in sandboxes. Other advanced threat groups are also known to adopt similar strategies, for instance with hardware or firmware implants, which “sleep” for weeks or months before connecting to their C2 infrastructure. This explains why this attack was so hard to spot.

One of the things that sets this apart from other cases, is the peculiar victim profiling and validation scheme. Through the SolarWinds Orion IT packages, the attackers reached about 18,000 customers, according to the SolarWinds alert. Yet, out of these 18.000, it would appear that only a handful were interesting to them. Considering the fact that having ..

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