Takeaways From The Take Command Summit: Unlocking ROI in Security

Takeaways From The Take Command Summit: Unlocking ROI in Security

Rapid7 CMO Cindy Stanton hosted a discussions with Cindy Stanton, Byron Anderson, Principal InfoSec Engineer, KinderCare Learning Companies and Gaël Frouin Director IT Security, AAA Northeast to talk strategies for measuring team performance and demonstrating ROI in cybersecurity at Rapid7’s recent Take Command summit. The panelists highlighted the importance of clear objectives, noting many security projects fail due to poorly defined goals.

Our post summit survey of attendees showed that 56% of respondents identified limited resources as the biggest inhibitor to measuring security program success. Overcoming these challenges with clear goals, regular metrics, and automation can significantly enhance cybersecurity efforts.

Key Takeaways:

Regular Communication and Metrics: Organizations prioritizing regular communication and metrics-driven approaches are much more likely to achieve positive outcomes.Risk Metrics as a Common Language: Byron Anderson emphasized using risk metrics to facilitate conversations about decommissioning outdated systems, reducing risk, and ensuring accountability.Automation and Integration: Gaël Frouin stressed the necessity of automation for efficiency and achieving the best ROI, urging security professionals to consider automation in every process.

"Giving impacted teams a voice early on, and getting them involved, and giving them a sense of ownership, really helped with the success of the projects." - Byron Anderson, Principal InfoSec Engineer, KinderCare Learning Companies

To dive deeper into these insights and actionable tactics, watch the full video of the session.

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