Talos joins CISA to counter cyber threats against non-profits, activists and other at-risk communities

Cisco Talos is delighted to share updates about our ongoing partnership with the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to combat cybersecurity threats facing civil society organizations.

Talos has partnered with CISA on several initiatives through the Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC), including sharing intelligence on strategic threats of interest.

Adversaries are leveraging advancements in technology and the interconnectedness of the world’s networks to undermine democratic values and interests by targeting high-risk communities within civil society. According to CISA, these communities include activists, journalists, academics and organizations engaged in advocacy and humanitarian causes. Consequently, the U.S. government has elevated efforts in recent years to counter cyber threats that have placed the democratic freedoms of organizations and individuals at heightened risk.

The JCDC’s High-Risk Community Protection (HRCP) initiative is one such measure that brings together government, technology companies, and civil society organizations to strengthen the security of entities at heightened risk of cyber threat targeting and transnational repression.

The HRCP initiative’s outputs — including a threat mitigation guide for civil society, operational best practices, and online resources for communities at risk — aim to counter the threats posed by state-sponsored advanced persistent threats (APTs) and, increasingly, private-sector offensive actors (PSOA).

Our ongoing partnership with CISA and contributions to the JCDC’s HRCP initiative are consistent with Cisco’s security mission to protect data, systems, and networks, and uphold and respect the human rights of all.

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As we’ve talos joins counter cyber threats against profits activists other communities