The Biggest Cloud Security Challenges in 2022 | Check Point Software

Cloud Adoption Grown Rapidly

Cloud adoption has grown rapidly in recent years. While many organizations were already moving to the cloud, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this transition. With the normalization of remote work, companies needed to be able to support and provide critical services to their off-site workforce.

As a result, over 98% of organizations use some form of cloud-based infrastructure, and over three-quarters (76%) have multi-cloud deployments composed of services from two or more cloud providers. These cloud environments host critical business applications and store sensitive company and customer data.

With the move to the cloud comes a need for cloud security. These cloud-based applications must be protected against attack, and cloud-hosted data must be protected against unauthorized access in accordance with applicable regulations.

However, cloud environments differ significantly from on-prem infrastructure, which means that traditional security tools and approaches do not always work effectively in the cloud. As a result, many organizations are facing significant challenges in securing their newfound cloud infrastructure.

Explore The Biggest Cloud Security Challenges in 2022

Cloud adoption is growing every year, which means that the importance of cloud security is increasing as well. In recent years, many organizations rapidly made the switch to cloud-based infrastructure to support business needs, but efforts to secure this infrastructure have lagged behind. In 2022, many organizations are looking to correct these issues but face significant challenges, such as the following:

#1. Multi-Cloud Challenges

Most companies have a multi-cloud deployment. This enables them to take full advantage of the unique benefits of different cloud environments optimized for particular use cases. However, it also adds to ..

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