The Continuing Venusian Mystery of Phosphine and Ammonia

The Continuing Venusian Mystery of Phosphine and Ammonia

The planet Venus is in so many ways an enigma. It’s a sister planet to Earth and also within relatively easy reach of our instruments and probes, yet we nevertheless know precious little about what is going on its surface or even inside its dense atmosphere. Much of this is of course due to planets like Mars getting all the orbiting probes and rovers scurrying around on its barren, radiation-blasted surface, but we had atmospheric probes descend through Venus’ atmosphere, so far to little avail. Back in 2020 speculation arose of phosphine being detected in Venus’ atmosphere, which caused both excitement and a lot of skepticism. Regardless, at the recent National Astronomy Meeting (NAM 2024) the current state of Venusian knowledge was discussed, which even got The Guardian to report on it.

In addition to phosphine, there’s speculation of ammonia also being detectable from Earth, both of which might be indicative of organic processes and thus potentially life. Related research has indicated that common amino acids essential to life on Earth would be stable even in sulfuric droplets like in Venus’ atmosphere. After criticism to the original 2020 phosphine article, [Jane S. Greaves] et al. repeated their observations based on feedback, although it’s clear that the observation of phosphine gas on Venus is not a simple binary question.

The same is true of ammonia, which if present in Venusian clouds would be a massive discovery, which continuing venusian mystery phosphine ammonia