The Ever-Evolving SOC

The Ever-Evolving SOC

In the 17th century, poet John Donne wrote, “no man is an island entire of itself.” He also mentioned every man is “a part of the main.” Fast forward to the 21st century and you’ll find this concept still rings true, especially as it relates to security.

Like everything else in the world, the security industry is constantly evolving. More sophisticated, targeted threats are emerging at an exponential rate and organizations need high-caliber solutions – and strategy – to keep up. However, when organizations act independently, they put themselves at risk by not incorporating the lessons learned from others or they experience roadblocks that delay resolution when they do not have access to full context or information. Keeping true to Donne’s word, every organization must realize they are in the same fight together, which is why we’ve seen the rise of fusion centers across the globe.

New Problems, New SOCs

Taking Security Operations Centers (SOCs) to the next level, fusion centers are designed to knowledge share. They connect all parts of an organization, with the end goal to increase transparency and visibility to rapidly uncover posed threats either before they happen, or quickly stop them in their tracks. Additionally, fusion centers have a key benefit: they help to advance the cybersecurity industry by identifying new cybersecurity product and solution needs to maintain a steady pace against the evolution of threats.

Operating at a global scale, fusion centers have proven to be an avenue to rapidly process and centralize seemingly unrelated and dispersed information. Using analytics to identify patterns and behaviors from a tremendous amount of data across multiple endpoints facilitates increased threat detection and corr ..

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