The Growing Risks of Shadow IT and SaaS Sprawl

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, there is no shortage of apps and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses across different industries. This incredible array of options has revolutionized how we work, providing cost-effective and user-friendly tools that streamline tasks and boost productivity.

However, this ever-expanding application ecosystem comes with its challenges: namely, shadow IT and SaaS sprawl. According to a recent study by Entrust, 77% of IT professionals are concerned about shadow IT becoming a significant issue in 2023.

Additionally, over 65% of IT professionals report that the organization does not approve their SaaS tools. This causes significant security liabilities as a lack of visibility and control over these tools often leads to data breaches and other security issues.

To counter the threats posed by shadow IT and SaaS sprawl, businesses must implement policies that provide better oversight of third-party applications while enforcing strict security measures within their organization.

Shadow IT and SaaS Sprawl: What’s Causing the Increase?

The rapid rise of shadow IT and SaaS sprawl can be attributed to several factors shaping the modern workplace. Let’s explore some of the key contributors to this growing concern.

Ease of Access and Adoption

The simplicity of acquiring and deploying SaaS applications has lowered the barriers to entry. This has allowed employees to quickly adopt new tools without the need for formal approval from IT departments. Users can access a plethora of cloud-based services with just a few clicks, often bypassing corporate guidelines and creating an uncontrolled environment.

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