The Inside Man Season 4: The Future of Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Corporate training videos. The words alone make you feel bored. They summon dreary memories of wasted hours, terrible acting and worse storytelling. If I told you that it doesn’t have to be that way, that training videos can be informative, engaging and even exciting, would you believe me? You’d be forgiven if you didn’t.

But that’s exactly what KnowBe4’s ‘The Inside Man’ is. For four seasons now, the show has been seamlessly interweaving, believe it or not, cybersecurity awareness training with genuinely entertaining drama.

Sceptical? What if I told you that the inbound fourth season includes air to air helicopter shots, a pipeline on the brink of explosion and original songs? Trust me, this is not your typical corporate training video.

The story so far…

Jim Shields, the series director, has a long history of crafting unconventional training videos. His company, Twist and Shout, has been “entertaining to inform” for nearly 20 years. He does this so well that after producing the first season of ‘The Inside Man’ for the cyber security awareness organisation KnowBe4, they responded by buying his company.

Three seasons and a serious cash injection later, the series has reached almost unimaginable heights. The staggering production value, disarming humour and hypertension-inducing drama all work in synergy to achieve Shield’s goal of “educating you without realising”.

The series follows Mark, a cyber-savant who has just landed a job as IT security analyst at a large corporation. Far from an ideal hire, Mark is in fact a double agent – planted by dark powers to bring down the company’s systems and compromise its data. Before long h ..

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