The Japanese Threat Landscape: A Report on Cyber Threats in the Third Largest Economy on Earth

The Japanese Threat Landscape: A Report on Cyber Threats in the Third Largest Economy on Earth

The Japanese economy is massive, global, and varied. It is also a major target for cyber threat actors. As a hub for automotive, manufacturing, technology, and financial services, Japanese companies and organizations face significant cyber risk. There is nonetheless relatively little English-language coverage of Japan’s cyber threat landscape.  

In a new report released today by Rapid7, Principal Security Analyst, Paul Prudhomme, analyzes the threat landscape of the third-largest economy in the world and enumerates threats across Japan’s main industries as well as some of the largest cyber concerns affecting those companies, such as ransomware and cyber espionage.

Perhaps the most important takeaway from the report on Japanese cyber threats is that the biggest risk to Japanese companies may not even be the companies themselves. Overseas subsidiaries and affiliates offer softer targets for threat actors targeting global Japanese brands. In many of the most recent, large-scale, attacks on Japanese companies, attackers chose to compromise overseas subsidiaries or otherwise affiliated companies in other countries as a way into the networks of Japanese targets.

The report posits two potential explanations for why attackers chose to use the overseas affiliates and subsidiaries of Japanese companies as access vectors. One possible factor is the security culture in those countries and the subsidiaries themselves. Overseas affiliates may have less optimal security oversight than their Japanese counterparts. This discrepancy could be due to acquisition of overseas firms introducing existing security vulnerabilities into the parent company, or the development of separate hierarchies that are not in lock step with the security culture at a parent company. Regulatory environments vary, and business and technology habits could be different as well. There are a multitude of ways even the most secure Japanese compa ..

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