The Journey to Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

“The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as water moulds itself to the pitcher.” – Chinese Proverb.

The way we work, socialise, and consume information has changed exponentially over the last few years. This has been driven owing to global macro and micro events, such as world health emergencies or the continued march of technological innovation. The result is our ability to understand, publish and consume information has changed radically.

Governments and businesses need to keep pace with the changing landscape of how society uses these evolutions and in doing so need to adapt their business models, security efficacy and accessibility for their users.

One such example is the explosion of remote work, coupled with the continued march towards ‘cloud-first’ technology consumption. Resulting in expectations from both internal and external stakeholders that services should always be accessible, fast, and secure. This presents a challenge: How do we secure such a disparate infrastructure where sensitive information is stored in various places, from datacentres to SaaS Services like Microsoft 365 and personal end-user devices?

Securing the user from the endpoint through to the application itself has become a key battleground in the protection of information, detection of data exfiltration, shadow IT, even network and endpoint health for pre-emptive troubleshooting. Typically, organisations need to retro-fit controls, tools, and policies into systems with varying levels of technical debt resulting in a disjointed approach. The culmination of this approach often sees multiple point tools with little-to-no integration being deployed. Ultimately presenting their own set of challenges to the organisation.

Another approach organisations are taking is to centralise security and network within one platform. This is called Secure Access Service Edge or SASE (for those ..

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