The Last Chip

The Last Chip

This blog post was previously published on VentureFizz and was written by Christina Luconi, chief people officer at Rapid7. It is part of an ongoing series on how Rapid7 leadership approaches—and upholds—company culture.

This is a start to a rough travel week. I woke up, left for the airport at 4:10 a.m., and spent the day in our D.C. office, which included a town hall and a ribbon-cutting to celebrate our beautiful new space. After, I hopped in an Uber with two others and rushed to the airport to catch our flight. Delayed. Put on standby for an earlier flight. Another delay.

My exceptionally thoughtful CEO was the only person elected from the standby list to board. He gave me his seat so I could get home to my kids. One and a half hours later, and I was still stuck on the tarmac, and all routes to Boston were shut down because of the weather. And I get to go to NYC this weekend and London on Monday. Yup, business travel is not at all glamorous.

However, with every rainy cloud that prevented me from getting home at a reasonable hour comes a silver lining. Tonight, my gratitude comes from a deep appreciation for the people I work with. Typically, it’s not lost on me how great they are, but tonight, one simple observation turned my travel frown upside down.

First, let me explain our executive team. The average tenure of people on our executive team at Rapid7 is 5.6 years (I removed our co-founder, Tas Giakouminakis, from this average, as he’s been here since the start and woul ..

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