The Other Coronavirus Epidemic: Cybercrime | Avast

The Other Coronavirus Epidemic: Cybercrime | Avast
Kevin Townsend, 17 April 2020

Cybercriminals prey on fear during the COVID-19 for their own gain.

The global Coronavirus pandemic is a terrible and frightening experience for everyone. But this virus carries its own parasites – an epidemic of cybercriminals preying on the fear of COVID-19.
Just as the speed and effect of the virus expanding across the world has taken everyone by surprise, so the growth of the criminal parasites living off it has been remarkable. Avast has already published numerous reports on Coronavirus-themed attacks, and advice for home workers and others in lockdown – such as an alleged Russian disinformation campaign; advice to hospitals that have come under increased attack; advice on how to stay sane at home (don’t dismiss this – police are already braced for an increase in domestic violence during, and caused by, the lockdown); and the public release of Coronavirus threat telemetry from Avast’s own research facility. Here we’re going to take a broad sweep of the latest examples of these threats so that people can understand the extent, diversity and danger of the epidemic. The first thing to understand is that most of the threats – not all – include some form of social engineering. Coronavirus is purpose built for this. The most successful social engineering triggers are fear and urgency. Many people are ..

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