The Other Type of Shadow IT

The Other Type of Shadow IT

Virtual Shadowing Not Only Works – It’s the Way of the Future

When cloud security specialists are onboarded, a period of adjustment and learning is required, regardless of their level of education and certification. No one knows the intricacies of their new employer until they’ve been there a while. But what happens when their new workplace has adopted a virtual or hybrid model, where shadowing entirely in person is impossible?

The (ISC)² white paper, Cloud Adoption and the Skills Shortage, looks specifically at why a shortage of qualified specialists is proving to be one of the largest impediments to cloud adoption. One contributor to the gap in expertise on staff cited in the research is a lack of mentoring.

Certified Cloud Security Professionals (CCSPs) surveyed for the report say it takes a few months before most new hires are able to operate on their own successfully. Until then, managers should expect them to work at 50 percent to 60 percent productivity as they learn the company’s operations while keeping pace with current cyberthreats.

One of the best ways to give new hires the on-the-job exposure they need is by offering a shadowing program. During the shadow process, they should not only follow their immediate cloud security superiors but observe other functions of the business. Spending time in HR or on the loading dock may not seem like an optimal use of their time, but these departments are the people who use cloud technology. Understanding how and why everyone in the compan ..

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