"There is no business school class that would ever sit down and design Talos"

As part of the celebrations of Cisco Talos turning 10, we’d like to take you back to where it all began: How we formed our mission of protecting our customers and making the internet suck a bit less, an insight into our culture, and how we came to work with some of the most talented human beings on the planet.  

This is the history of Talos, as told through the eyes of some of our senior leaders. 

The Sourcefire years

Editor's note: Sourcefire was a company that specialized in Firepower network security appliances based on Snort, an open-source intrusion detection system. Sourcefire was acquired by Cisco for $2.7 billion in July 2013.

Matt Watchinski, Vice President of Talos: What I remember most from the early years of Sourcefire was all of us being crowded into a minuscule meeting room. We spent our days discussing huge, complicated s**t. There was so much mutual respect and understanding for what we set out to achieve. 

Chris Marshall, Director of Talos Network Detection and Response Team: We all collectively believed that we could be the best security team on the planet. We were so passionately driven to achieve things together. And we went out of our way to take care of each other to make sure those two other things happened. 

Watchinksi: We had a group that could change priorities on a dime, and then actually execute on them — without anybody coming back and saying, “The dumbest decision in the entire world was just made in that tiny room. Now we have to go and do stupid s**t.” Everybody came back from that room and said, “Alright, this is the thing that's going to make Sourcefire the most successful, and so that’s the dire ..

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