This week of never-ending security updates continue. Now Apple emits dozens of fixes for iOS, macOS, etc

This week of never-ending security updates continue. Now Apple emits dozens of fixes for iOS, macOS, etc

Apple has released a fresh batch of software security updates for its flagship devices.

The July 15 security refresh from Cupertino includes fixes for bugs in iOS, macOS, tvOS, and WatchOS: basically every hardware product from the Cupertino giant. Given the massive patch overload this week, it's a good time to bury bad news.

For iOS and iPadOS the 13.6 update includes fixes for 29 CVE-listed vulnerabilities, 10 involving arbitrary code execution.

Four of those code execution flaws are exploited by playing corrupted audio files (CVE-2020-9888, CVE-2020-9889, CVE-2020-9890, CVE-2020-9891, all found by Ant-financial Light-Year Security Lab researchers JunDong Xie and XingWei Li.)

Code execution was also possible by exploiting AVEVideoEncoder (CVE-2020-9907, from an anonymous researcher), iAP (CVE-2020-9914, found by Andy Davis, British director of security shop ..

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