Threat landscape for industrial automation systems, Q2 2024

Threat landscape for industrial automation systems, Q2 2024

Statistics across all threats

In the second quarter of 2024, the percentage of ICS computers on which malicious objects were blocked decreased by 0.9 pp from the previous quarter to 23.5%.

The percentage has decreased by 3.3 pp compared to the second quarter of 2023, when the indicator reached its highest level since records began in 2022.

Percentage of ICS computers on which malicious objects were blocked, by quarter, 2022-2024

Regions ranking

In most regions, the percentage of ICS computers that blocked malicious objects decreased compared to the first quarter of 2024. The indicator increased only in East Asia (by 1.0 pp), Western Europe (by 0.8 pp), Australia and New Zealand (by 0.7 pp) and the USA and Canada (by 0.2 pp).

Regions ranked by percentage of ICS computers where malicious objects were blocked, Q2 2024

Industries ranking

The building automation sector continues to lead the surveyed industries in terms of the percentage of ICS computers on which malicious objects were blocked. In general, this indicator continues to decrease across all industries for the second quarter in a row.

Percentage of ICS computers on which the activity of malicious objects of various categories was prevented

Diversity of detected malware

In the second quarter of 2024, Kaspersky’s protection solutions blocked malware from 11,349 different malware families of various categories on industrial automation systems.

threat landscape industrial automation systems