Threat Management and Unified Endpoint Management

The worst of the pandemic may be behind us, but we continue to be impacted by it. School-aged kids are trying to catch up academically and socially after two years of disruption. Air travel is a mess. And all businesses have seen a spike in cyberattacks. Cyber threats increased by 81% while COVID-19 was at its peak, with 79% of all organizations experiencing a loss of business operations during that time. 

The risk of cyberattacks increased so much that the FBI put out warnings, calling the rise in attacks and malicious activities unprecedented. In its 2021 Internet Crime Report, the FBI revealed that it received record numbers of complaints to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). 

“Among the 2021 complaints received, ransomware, business email compromise (BEC) schemes and the criminal use of cryptocurrency are among the top incidents reported,” the report stated. Phishing and its counterparts of vishing and smishing were the most popular attack vectors. 

Remote work and the hybrid office have played a role in increasing cyberattacks. Employees need to be connected to the cloud and corporate network resources, but they are no longer protected by the organization’s on-premise security system. Also, personal device use is generally more accepted, and this increased use of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) has added even more complexity to overall protection. 

Threat actors are taking advantage of this new normal in the workplace. They know that most employees can no longer just ask the person in the next cubicle if they sent that email ..

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