Threat Spotlight: WarmCookie/BadSpace

WarmCookie is a malware family that emerged in April 2024 and has been distributed via regularly conducted malspam and malvertising campaigns. WarmCookie, observed being used for initial access and persistence, offers a means for continuous long-term access to compromised environments and is used to facilitate delivery of additional malware such as CSharp-Streamer-RAT and Cobalt Strike. Post-compromise intrusion activity associated with WarmCookie overlaps with previously observed activity we attribute to TA866.  We assess that WarmCookie was likely developed by the same threat actor(s) as Resident backdoor, a post-compromise implant previously deployed in intrusion activity that Cisco Talos attributes to TA866.  

What is WarmCookie? 

WarmCookie, also known as BadSpace, is a malware family that has been distributed since at least April 2024. Throughout 2024, we have observed several distribution campaigns conducted using a variety of lure themes to entice victims to take actions that result in malware infection.  

These campaigns typically rely on malspam or malvertising to initiate the infection process that results in the delivery of WarmCookie. WarmCookie offers a variety of useful functionality for adversaries including payload deployment, file manipulation, command execution, screenshot collection and persistence, making it attractive to use on systems once initial access has been gained to facilitate longer-term, persistent access within c ..

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