Tips to Keep Your iOS Device Secure | Avast

Tips to Keep Your iOS Device Secure | Avast
Lina Chentsova, 16 April 2020

Your iOS devices are beautiful, but not uncrackable. Protect them with these tips.

In the beginning, Apple products stood high, wide, and handsome in the face of cyberattacks. Average hackers found it nearly impossible to crack the company’s proprietary software, and an Apple product’s attack surface was almost nonexistent. But over the years, those attack surfaces got bigger, and hackers and their tools became more sophisticated. The hackers’ holy grail has always been the iPhone because most users live their lives on that useful little device, and most keep their sensitive data stored within its Apple-branded hardware. 
These days, everything is hackable, and the onus is on each one of us to take the appropriate measures to protect ourselves. Gone are the days when default settings were good enough. (Actually, researchers would argue that the default settings were never good enough.) 
But here’s the good news – it’s not difficult to secure our devices. Vigilance and a few security precautions can shut down most of the attacks threatening our mobile lifestyle. Follow these tips to stay safe.
10 tips to keep your iOS device secure 
Stay up to dateKeeping your iOS updated is essential to the device’s security. New iOS versions are released in order to fix bugs, patch vulnerabilities, and address the latest threats. Hand-in-hand with this practice, you should also keep your apps updated. All software on the device should be its most recent version.
Set a passcodeCreate a complex passcode to unlock your phone, and feel free to make it longer than the standard 4 digits. You’ll find the options for this in Settings > Face ID & Passcode > Change Passcode.
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