Top 10 riskiest assets threatening global business

Today, Armis released new research identifying the riskiest connected assets posing threats to global businesses. The company’s findings highlight risk being introduced to organisations through a variety of connected assets across device classes, emphasising a need for a comprehensive security strategy to protect an organisation’s entire attack surface in real-time.

“Continuing to educate global businesses about the evolving and increased risk being introduced to their attack surface through managed and unmanaged assets is a key mission of ours,” said Nadir Izrael, CTO and Co-Founder of Armis. “This intelligence is crucial to helping organisations defend against malicious cyberattacks. Without it, business, security and IT leaders are in the dark, vulnerable to blind spots that bad actors will seek to exploit.”

Armis’ research, analysed by the Armis Asset Intelligence Engine, focuses on connected assets with the most attack attempts, weaponised Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and high-risk ratings to determine the riskiest assets.

Assets With The Highest Number of Attack Attempts 

Armis found the top 10 asset types with the highest number of attack attempts were distributed across asset types: IT, OT, IoT, IoMT, Internet of Personal Things (IoPT) and Building Management Systems (BMS). This demonstrates that attackers care more about their potential access to assets rather than the type, reinforcing the need for security teams to account for all physical a ..

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