Top 3 Cyber Attacks And Data Breaches Of 2022 | Js Magazine - Jumpstart Media

From government bodies to tech giants, no one is immune to cybersecurity threats!

It is hard to imagine our lives without the internet nowadays. Whether we need directions, want to listen to music or just want to socialize with friends, the internet makes all of it happen. Just like us, businesses today also heavily rely on the internet. 

This reliance on the internet is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the internet makes your life simple; on the other, it leaves you vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. According to the Sonic Mid-Year Cyber Threat Report of 2022, there have been 2.8 billion malware attacks so far this year, up by 11% when compared to 2021. To give you a sense of what these attacks look like, we have compiled a list of the top three cyberattacks and data breaches that the world has experienced in 2022. 

Costa Rica Government

In April this year, the finance ministry of the Costa Rican government was overtaken by hackers. These hackers took control of the ministry’s computer systems and demanded US$10 million to return access back to the government. When the government refused, the hackers took down around 30 government agencies. The attack, conducted by the Russian ransomware group Conti, left tax systems in the country frozen, adversely affected exports and delayed payments to workers. By May, Conti had leaked 97% of all the data that it had obtained from its hack. The situation got so out of hand that the government ended up declaring a national emergency.

Unfortunately for ..

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