Top factors driving enterprise demand for new cybersecurity technology | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #ransomware

Top factors driving enterprise demand for new cybersecurity technology | #hacking | #cybersecurity | #infosec | #comptia | #pentest | #ransomware

Despite prevailing economic headwinds, the market for cybersecurity products and services remains buoyant, according to CCgroup.

The study found that 78% of enterprises in the U.S. and 58% in the UK have increased cybersecurity investment in the last year, while 81% of enterprises are looking to work with new vendors in the next 12 months. The top three solutions for investment are endpoint security, application security and fraud prevention. However, despite searching for new suppliers, 37% of U.S. and 24% of UK enterprises expect to see a cut in the next year.

Against this backdrop, cybersecurity vendors must adapt their approach to generating new business. There are a number of approaches that vendors can take to maximise their exposure in a crowded market and increase their chances of being selected for RFP processes.

Cybersecurity vendors strategies

Generating vendor awareness requires a mix of channels

Cybersecurity technology buyers confirm that the most influential channels in building their awareness of suppliers are industry analysts, followed by broader business events, business technology media and trade media.

In the U.S., industry analysts (78%), business technology media (77%) and trade and business media (both 76%) are regarded as highly impactful. In the UK, broader business events (70%), industry analysts (69%), industry-specific events (67%) and trade media (66%) are the strongest channels for generating awareness. When it comes to content for generating awareness, social media took the top spot.

Long-form content is crucial to cybersecurity vendors’ content strategies

Long-form copy – written either by vendors or industry analysts – proved to be the most popular, with blogs emerging as the winner in both markets (92% in the U.S. and 93% in the UK), followed by industry analyst reports (88% overall) and case studies (87% overall).

Cybersecurity technology buyers seek out content that demonstrates vendors can solve their ..

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