TrickBot Gang Uses Template-Based Metaprogramming in Bazar Malware

Malware authors use various techniques to obfuscate their code and protect against reverse engineering. Techniques such as control flow obfuscation using Obfuscator-LLVM and encryption are often observed in malware samples.

This post describes a specific technique that involves what is known as metaprogramming, or more specifically template-based metaprogramming, with a particular focus on its implementation in the Bazar family of malware (BazarBackdoor/BazarLoader). Bazar is best known for its ties to the cybercrime gang that develops and uses the TrickBot Trojan. It is a major cybercrime syndicate that is highly active in the online crime arena.

A Few Words About Metaprogramming

Metaprogramming is a technique where programs are designed to analyze or generate new code at runtime. Developers typically use metaprogramming techniques to make their code more efficient, modular and maintainable. Template-based metaprogramming incorporates templates that serve as models for code reuse. The templates can be written to handle multiple data types.

For example, the basic function template shown below can be used to define multiple functions that return the maximum of two values such as two numbers or two strings. The type is generalized in the template parameter <typename T>, as a result, a and b will be defined based on the usage of the function. One of the “magical” attributes of templates is that the max() function doesn’t actually exist until it’s called and compiled.  For the example below, three functions will be created at compile time, one for each call.

//Sample function template

template<typename T>

T max (T ..

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