Tulsi Gabbard Rips Into 'Power Elite', the 'Biden-Clinton-Neocon-Neolib Foreign Policy' at CPAC

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard raged against the “power elite” and “their co-conspirators in the mainstream media and the security state” as she delivered a keynote address at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando on Friday night.The Hawaiian US Army Iraq War veteran, who sought the Democrat presidential nomination in 2020 before endorsing Joe Biden in March that year, slammed what she dubbed the “Biden-Clinton-neocon-neolib foreign policy,” saying that in an ideal world “our leaders would haul James Clapper”, Former Director of National Intelligence under Barack Obama, “before a judge to answer for his lies to Congress about how the government is collecting information… And they would support the Durham investigation and Clinton corruption in 2016... .”Special Counsel John Durham has been investigating the legality of the FBI probe into the allegations of Donald Trump's collusion with Russia, which turned out to be unsubstantiated. While Trump earlier denounced the FBI's RussiaGate probe, officially known as "Crossfire Hurricane", as the "crime of the century", Moscow has repeatedly denied attempting to meddle in US domestic affairs during the 2016 election.Gabbard, at this point in her Friday speech, was referring to the discovery by John Durham that Hillary Clinton paid cyber-security experts to hack into Trump's election campaign, White House computer servers, to help establish a "narrative" to back her false claim that the Republican ex-president “colluded” with Russia to defeat her in the 2016 election.The American politician, who is of both Samoan and European descent, ripped Democrats and Republicans in Congress for ostensibly talking “a good game about civil liberties, but voting on the side of the “power elite” when it came to such things as scrapping “secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts… stopping “three letter agencies like the NSA, FBI and CIA from illegally spying on Americans.”Furthermore, Gabbard said that rather than enter into a debat ..

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