UK: Muslim economic freeloaders pretending to be asylum seekers are being put up in FIVE STAR HOTELS at taxpayer expense

UK: Muslim economic freeloaders pretending to be asylum seekers are being put up in FIVE STAR HOTELS at taxpayer expense

Off Topic. The BETRAYAL of AMERICA and BRAZIL’S A COUP: Team Biden Bragged about RIGGING Brazil Election Against President Bolsonaro Before Election DayNovember 1, 2022Source: the gateway pundit

The Liberal World Order is hard at work destroying norms, inverting our principles, and establishing a worldwide jurisdictional bureaucracy for law, medicine, and elections. This is a criminal conspiracy to turn citizens into serfs, presidents into governors, and nation-states into meaningless jurisdictional lines.

There is a great replacement afoot.

Call the agents of this World Order whatever you want—globalists, luciferians, the cabal—but They don’t want sovereign states or nationalistic leaders. This is a threat to their technocratic plans for humanity’s future.

They exist in organizations, both secret society and public institutions, pruning dissidents and manufacturing a false perception of consensus as they guide us toward their ultimate plan.

One of these infamous organizations, World Economic Forum, even bragged about conditioning young talent, helping them attain head of state positions, and picking their cabinets.

There’s a reason for this. One of the occult doctrines amongst these leaders is called “plain sight.” Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “hiding in plain sight” or “operating in plain sight?” They believe that they must tell you what they’re doing, in many cases, because of the karmic power it produces.

After international organizations and domestic non-profits cast doubt on election security measures favored by conservatives in the 2020 US Elections, they boasted about how they undermined election laws in various states, and ran coordinated stealth efforts, to change the turnout of the election to favor Democrats.

In t ..

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