A Singapore based cybersecurity firm Group-IB has uncovered a huge digital skimming group that is responsible for conducting JS-sniffer campaigns on more than hundreds of websites and numerous third party suppliers for the past five years.
The cybercriminal group dubbed as “UltraRank’ previous shenanigans were linked to Magecart Groups 2, 5, and 12. The association was made on similar grounds wherein, the latter would also insert malicious JavaScript code into e-commerce sites with the aim to steal sensitive credit card information and other details from payment forms that were submitted on the checkout web page.
Nevertheless, Group-IB discovered that these were, in fact, three different malicious campaigns that were misattributed to Magecart groups. The revelation ensued when the researchers found out that in February 2020, the hacker group targeted a US-based marketing company called the Brandit Agency. Once intercepted the UltraRank were able to compromise and infect JS-sniffers into five websites created by the agency.
See: Hundreds of counterfeit branded shoe stores hacked with web skimmer
However, the distinction was further made when the hackers in question pursued similar elements in all their campaigns. Which was hiding their command and control server location and analogous patterns of domain registrations were deployed.
Moreover, numer ..
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