Understanding security features in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Understanding security features in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google’s long experience and success in, protecting itself against cyberattacks plays to our advantage as customers of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP). From years of warding off security threats, Google is well aware of the security implications of the cloud model. Thus, they provide a well-secured structure for their operational activities, data centers, customer data, organizational structure, hiring process, and user support.

Google uses a global scale infrastructure to provide security to build commercial services, such as Gmail, Google search, Google Photos, and enterprise services, such as GCP and gsuite.

This article is an excerpt taken from the book, “Google Cloud Platform for Architects.“, written by Vitthal Srinivasan, Janani Ravi and Et al. In this book, you will learn about Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and how to manage robust, highly available, and dynamic solutions to drive business objective.

This article gives an insight into the security features in Google Cloud Platform, the tools that GCP provides for users benefit, as well as some best practices and design choices for security.

Security features at Google and on the GCP

Let’s start by discussing what we get directly by virtue of using the GCP. These are security protections that we would not be able to engineer for ourselves. Let’s go through some of the many layers of security provided by the GCP.

  • Datacenter physical security: Only a small fraction of Google employees ever get to visit a GCP data center. Those data centers, the zones that we have been talking so much about, probably would seem out of a Bond film to those that did—security lasers, biometric detect ..

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