UNI Price Slides 8% As Uniswap Delays Crucial Voting Proposal

UNI Price Slides 8% As Uniswap Delays Crucial Voting Proposal
In a blow to the momentum of the Uniswap native token, UNI, the decentralized exchange (DEX) has been forced to postpone a highly anticipated proposal that would have improved its token governance and fee distribution model.  Meanwhile, the company is also locked in a legal battle with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over the regulatory status of its UNI token. Postponed UNI Governance Upgrade Sparks Sell-off  On Friday, the Uniswap Foundation announced that it was delaying the deployment of the first proposal to activate Uniswap Protocol Governance. The foundation cited the need for additional due diligence on “a new issue” raised by a stakeholder, underscoring the sensitivity of the proposed upgrade. The Foundation further stated: This was unexpected, and we apologize for the postponement. We will keep the community apprised of any material changes and will update you all once we feel more certain about future timeframes. Related Reading: Market Analysis: How Will Mt. Gox’s Bitcoin Distribution Affect Crypto Prices? The shelved proposal aimed to streamline Uniswap’s fee mechanisms, allowing UNI token hold ..

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