Unified Endpoint Management and Security: Thriving in a Work-From-Anywhere World

The hybrid workplace is here for the long-term, if not forever. Workers like the flexibility, and there are a lot of positives for business leaders in restructuring where and how people go about their jobs. 

As much as workers like the hybrid workplace, it presents new challenges to security and IT teams. Management and security of corporate-owned and employee-owned endpoint devices are more complicated than ever. Many employees use Internet of Things (IoT) devices while working remotely. This sprawling, connected landscape offers bad guys a potential attack surface not seen before.

Security teams need to rethink their approach to endpoint management and mobile security. It’s time to move beyond a siloed approach to endpoint management and security and look toward unified endpoint management.

The Current Security Approach

According to Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), businesses do a good job protecting corporate-owned desktops and laptops, but security protections lag in personal devices used for work or even corporate-owned mobile and IoT devices. Yet, employees continue to turn to a more diverse set of endpoints to fulfill their job duties.

It won’t be long until IoT devices outnumber more traditional endpoints. When you add in emerging tech like virtual and augmented realities for both workers and customers, you create an even more complex environment. If security teams struggle to protect endpoints that have been around for a while, how will they adapt to this new infrastructure?

What’s needed are new tools and platforms that offer visibility, software assessment, vulnerability mitigation, threat prevention and response. At the same time, those t ..

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