Unique Fair Pricing Model Puts XRP Price Higher Than Bitcoin, Here’s How Much

Unique Fair Pricing Model Puts XRP Price Higher Than Bitcoin, Here’s How Much
New research from financial analysts at Valhil Capital suggests the XRP price is far undervalued than what it should be. Analysts have developed pricing models that put the value of XRP way higher than its current price of $0.5853, possibly even surpassing Bitcoin.  According to the research paper from Valhil Capital, which evaluated six distinct pricing models, XRP’s price should not be trading for less than a dollar but somewhere between $9.81 and $513,000. Research on XRP’s Fair Value It’s been well established that the XRP price has been held back over the past few years in large part due to the ongoing lawsuit between Ripple Labs, the company behind the cryptocurrency, and the SEC. This legal uncertainty made many crypto exchanges and investors hesitant to buy and trade XRP, leading to the cryptocurrency being left behind during the 2021 crypto market bull run. Related Reading: Galaxy Digital and Invesco Bitcoin Spot ETF Join BlackRock On The DTCC Unlike most cryptocurrencies, which aim to replace the traditional method of banking, XRP was designed by Ripple to help ba ..

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