Unleash the Power of MITRE for a More Mature SOC

Unleash the Power of MITRE for a More Mature SOC

The MITRE adversarial tactics, techniques and common knowledge (ATT&CK) framework brings pooled knowledge from across the cyber defense community, including revealing what threat actors are up to and how best you can defend against them. Let’s take a look at what MITRE offers and how this framework goes hand-in-hand with developing a security operations center (SOC) for today.

Many people in the industry are talking about shifting to a next-gen SOC. By expanding capabilities, aligning SOC operations with business operations and selecting the right people, you can definitely make a great start to your SOC 2.0. Meanwhile, you can improve your SOC by unleashing the power of MITRE.

What is MITRE?

MITRE is a not-for-profit organization that works with industry, academia, and federal, state and local governments for the public interest. It doesn’t just focus on defense, but covers areas such as artificial intelligence, data science and health informatics, to name a few. In the area of cybersecurity, we can thank MITRE for a lot of well-known initiatives such as ATT&CK, Common Platform Enumeration (CPE), Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE).

Improving your organization’s cyber maturity is not something you can do in one day — not even when using multiple MITRE frameworks. It will be a process that could take months, maybe even years, depending on where you are on the path to cyber maturity. But it is good to consider the options and take these key findings along with you in your discussions.

MITRE offers many well-known and proven defense frameworks. By using MITRE as a guide, you can co ..

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