Uphold Restores Crypto Staking Features to US Customers After Regulatory Pause

Key Takeaways:

  • Staking is back: Uphold has restarted its crypto staking service in the United States.

  • Reasoning: This decision is driven by a perceived change in the US regulatory environment with respect to crypto.

  • Impact: It may boost user participation and demonstrate confidence in the US crypto market.

  • Global cryptocurrency exchange Uphold has now officially marked the relaunch of its crypto staking services in the US. It is a major strategic shift for the company, which had previously suspended the service in 2023 over regulatory uncertainty. The move comes at a time when many believe the regulatory climate in the US is less antagonistic to digital assets.

    Why the Relaunch? The Evolving Landscape of Crypto: A Look Back

    There are a number of reasons behind this decision ..

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