In a memo signed on Jan. 21, a day after Trump instituted a governmentwide halt to new hiring — albeit with exemptions for immigration enforcement, national security or public safety — acting VA Secretary Todd Hunter detailed more than 304,000 roles across 35 occupational series that the department would be requesting for hiring exemptions.
“VA remains committed to being deliberative in the hiring actions taken to ensure we is postured for success as we implement overall modernization efforts and reform plans in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget,” he said. “To this end, prior to authorizing recruitment for vacant positions, VA leaders must certify that actions are aligned with VA goals, priorities, and modernization plans and support the more efficient and effective delivery of services to Veterans.”
Hunter went on to detail that VA health care positions would be exempted as a public safety need, that the department would be working with the Office of Personnel Management to request exemptions for veterans benefits positions and that any other exemptions must be first submitted to the chief of staff for Veterans Affairs for approval.
The VA’s exemptions list has been anticipated since the hiring freeze was first announced, in part because it mirrors the first Trump administration’s 2017 hiring freeze, where the department designated around 100 occupational series as part of its exemption request. That freeze saw continued hiring for doctors and nurses, but a moratorium on support and adminis ..
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