Vulnerability management, its impact and threat modeling methodologies

Vulnerability management is a security practice designed to avoid events that could potentially harm an organization. It is a regular ongoing process that identifies, assesses, and manages vulnerabilities across all the components of an IT ecosystem.

Cybersecurity is one of the major priorities many organizations struggle to stay on top of. There is a huge increase in the number of cyberattacks carried out by cybercriminals to steal valuable information from businesses. Hence to encounter these attacks, organizations are now focusing more on building cybersecurity networks to be more powerful and secure.

In this article, we will be identifying a few of those vulnerabilities associated with cybersecurity in an organization and their impact on the business. Also, we will deduce a methodology for managing vulnerabilities in an organization and experiences with customers in implementing this methodology.

Common cybersecurity threats

Let’s walk through a few of the cybersecurity-related vulnerabilities that impact organizations the most.


Phishing is the most widespread cybersecurity vulnerability that impacts more than 85% of organizations around the world. In phishing attacks, users are tricked into downloading malicious links that are sent to them through email. The email sent looks like a legitimate email with all the necessary information available in it. Thus, users are tricked into either opening an attachment or clicking a harmful link included in the email.

The most common type of phishing attack is email phishing. Over time, attackers have formulated other methods as well, including smishing, vishing an ..

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