What Is Attack Surface Management, And Why Is It Important?

What Is Attack Surface Management, And Why Is It Important?

Enterprise security systems continue to be targeted by the meticulous and sophisticated modern-day cyber-criminal.

These attacks target and exploit areas of vulnerabilities such as cloud systems, third-party assets, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Operational Technology (OT) environments, subsidiary networks, and remote workspaces.

Systematic exploits such as this are becoming a costly nuisance to businesses globally.

Luckily, attack surface management is an excellent methodology that works best with DevSecOps to mitigate these problems and reduce businesses’ cyber risk. 

We aim to help readers understand all facets of attack surface management and how it can help CISOs mitigate all the weak spots that increase the organization’s attack surface area.

What is an attack surface?

An attack surface is the total number of potential entry points, including vulnerabilities and endpoints, that hackers can exploit to gain access to the system.

In other words, it’s the entire surface area of an enterprise exposed to hacks and security breaches.

With technologies such as IoT on the rise, the sheer volume of devices, network nodes, and web apps creates a substantially extensive attack surface area for most modern-age businesses.

This problem is precisely why organizations with a vast attack surface area need enhanced visibility through continuous attack surface monitoring that swiftly identifies and addresses all network vulnerabilities before any real damage can occur.

Components of an attack surface

The attack surface typically consists of four components that attackers can exploit and gain access to the company’s network. They are:

On-premise assets

This component consists of servers, hardware, and other on-site assets.

Cloud assets

Another critical ..

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