What Is Unified Threat Management? A Pragmatic Approach to Information Security

Organizations are spending on cybersecurity, but threat vectors continue to outpace corporate outlay. As noted by Tech Genix, 2019 will see a rise in everything from cryptojacking attacks and supply chain compromises, to the misuse of biometric data and malicious use of artificial intelligence (AI) to hack corporate networks. Businesses need a better approach to handle new infosec challenges. Enter unified threat management (UTM).

What exactly is UTM? And how does better threat management help address the concerns of complexity, compromise and cybersecurity response? Here’s what you need to know about the future of effective information security.

What Is Threat Management?

Threat management is exactly what it sounds like: policies, procedures and system processes that help manage, mitigate and respond to network threats. Organizations have been deploying threat management solutions for years — including antivirus, firewall, spam filtering and intrusion detection systems — to reduce overall network risk.

The challenge is that as IT environments rapidly scale up thanks to mobile and cloud-based technology, potential attack surfaces scale exponentially. This means organizations can’t just address current threats; they must keep one eye on the hacker horizon to help predict what comes next — and how to stop it.

Given the increasing speed of data creation, complexity of IT environments, growing skills gap and limitations of current threat management methods, many organizations struggle to secure systems in what amounts to a 360-degree threat cycle. Blurred lines between public, private and hybrid resources mean threats can come from any direction, at any time and targeting any system.

To address the changing threat landscape, a new clas ..

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