What’s New on CIO.gov


On September 19th, the Administration published updates to the Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals and Agency Priority Goals (APGs) on Performance.gov. These updates reflect the progress made between May and June 2019. As one of the IT Modernization Goal Leaders, I’m excited to announce that in alignment with the IT Modernization Goal and the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) we’ve re-launched CIO.gov leveraging common solutions and innovative practices to improve efficiency, increase security, and ultimately meet citizens’ needs.

Data-Driven, Customer-Focused

The first step to modernize CIO.gov was take a customer focused approach to the content and information architecture. Interviewing stakeholders, conducting user testing and looking at visitor data helped us determine what information users were looking for and how to approach design so that they could find it quickly and easily.

Shared IT Services

CIO.gov leverages many federally available tools. Prior to the re-design, this website transitioned to the Federalist Publishing Platform to take advantage of the commercial solutions offered though Cloud.gov, ensuring that it’s FISMA compliant. Using the Federalist platform also created continuity across other federal websites such as FedRamp.gov, Vote.gov, and Performance.gov indicating to the customer, along with its .gov domain, that CIO.gov is an official government website. Other tools used include:

US Web D ..

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