What You Need to Know About File Sharing for Business | Avast

What You Need to Know About File Sharing for Business | Avast
Katie Chadd, 25 August 2020

All you need to know about file sharing for business, from transfer methods to strategies and tools for staying safe and secure

By now, most businesses have ditched paper in favor of digital files, making the most of paperless storage and more efficient workflows. However, file sharing has its downsides: it can be easy to get lost in multiple document versions, while security measures are often less than ideal, potentially putting sensitive data at risk.
In this article, we will look at how to ensure file sharing balances safety with ease of use to increase efficiency among the modern workforce.
Why is file-sharing security important for business?
A growing trend has emerged over recent years as millenials have shifted the expectations of what a workplace should be. Even before Covid-19, an estimated 43% of American employees work remotely on a regular basis.
Due to the enforced home working caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the remote workplace has rapidly become essential for businesses to continue functioning effectively. In many cases this has demonstrated the viability of remote working becoming universally implemented, shifting perceptions of what it means to operate in a modern workplace.
One of the main reasons for such a seismic transition being so effective is the level of technology available to facilitate these changes. Video conferencing and file sharing mean that real-time discussions can be held regardless of who is physically in the office, reducing costs for the business and giving staff more freedom to sculpt their work/life balance, leading to improved wellbeing and productivity.
However, rapid change can ..

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