When Get-Out-The-Vote Efforts Look Like Phishing

Multiple media reports this week warned Americans to be on guard against a new phishing scam that arrives in a text message informing recipients they are not yet registered to vote. A bit of digging reveals the missives were sent by a California political consulting firm as part of a well-meaning but potentially counterproductive get-out-the-vote effort that had all the hallmarks of a phishing campaign.

Image: WDIV Detroit on Youtube.

On Aug. 27, the local Channel 4 affiliate WDIV in Detroit warned about a new SMS message wave that they said could prevent registered voters from casting their ballot. The story didn’t explain how or why the scam could block eligible voters from casting ballots, but it did show one of the related text messages, which linked to the site all-vote.com.

“We have you in our records as not registered to vote,” the unbidden SMS advised. “Check your registration status & register in 2 minutes.”

Similar warnings came from an ABC station in Arizona, and from an NBC affiliate in Pennsylvania, where election officials just issued an alert to be on the lookout for scam messages coming from all-vote.com. Some people interviewed who received the messages said they figured it was a scam because they knew for a fact they were registered to vote in their state. WDIV even interviewed a seventh-grader from Canada who said he also got the SMS saying ..

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