Why Hackers are Taking Advantage of COVID-19?

Why Hackers are Taking Advantage of COVID-19?

Cybersecurity threats have seen a massive upsurge since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that forced a majority of people to work from home which now is leading to attacks on remote workforces. Amid the anxiety it created, hackers have devised multiple ways to take advantage of the coronavirus and continued to exploit the fear amongst people in a number of ways, one being the distribution malware in the facade of Covid-19 or Corona related emails.

The threat posed by the Coronavirus has been seen to be scaling beyond human health, job losses and the collapsing global economy as it also set the stage for hackers to scam people for monetary and other gains. The urgency revolving around the novel biological virus robbed tech vendors and corporate systems of their ability to effectively tackle the risks. Scammers are well aware of the overwhelmed state of cybersecurity groups that led to a dramatic rise in phishing attempts and cyberattacks. Notably, hackers are exploiting the Covid-19 charged environment in various ways such as malicious infiltration of organizations, voice phishing, WhatsApp phishing, email phishing, social media, fake apps, and websites. As per the warnings given by WHO, criminals are also acting as WHO officials in order to scam people for financial gains or sensitive data.

Problems Arising with Security Operation Centers (SOC)? 

Security Operation Center is a centralized function set up across a company's IT infrastructure. The objective of the security operation team here is to detect and then respond to cybersecurity risks in order to safeguard important assets such as business systems, employee data, and intellectual property. Upon detecting a confirm threat, the SOC i ..

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