Why is India’s Defence Ministry ditching Microsoft Windows for Ubuntu-based Maya OS?

Why is India’s Defence Ministry ditching Microsoft Windows for Ubuntu-based Maya OS?

India’s Defence Ministry has decided to replace Microsoft Operating System (OS) in all its computers that can connect to the Internet with Maya, an Ubuntu-based OS built locally. The new OS is currently being rolled out only in the Defence Ministry computers, and not the three Services. While the Navy is said to have cleared Maya for use in its systems, the Army and the Air Force are still evaluating the software.

Maya has been developed by Indian government agencies within six months, and it is aimed at preventing malware attacks by cybercriminals who are increasingly targeting critical infrastructure and government agencies. The new OS will be backed by a protection system called Chakravyuh. This end point system is also being deployed in the computers that have Maya installed.

But how effective is this new OS, and how does it differ from Microsoft’s Windows? While the two operating systems provide a platform for the user to interact with computer hardware, Maya and Windows differ significantly, both in terms of cost and build.

Windows is a commercial software sold by Microsoft for a license fee. It is the most widely used OS, and it is easy to install and run. Devices powered by Microsoft’s OS run on the Windows NT kernel. A kernel is the core of an operating system. It runs on a computer’s Random Access Memory (RAM) and gives the device instructions on how to perform specific tasks.

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Prior to building the kernel architecture, progammers ..

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