Why Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) Is Fundamental to a Security Platform

Why Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) Is Fundamental to a Security Platform

Security teams today are facing increased challenges due to the “new normal” created by the recent global health crisis. Teams that were already struggling with too many tools and too much data are finding it even more difficult to collaborate and communicate as employees must move to a virtual security operations center (SOC) model while addressing an increasing number of threats and devoting more time to family needs and home demands.

Disconnected teams accelerate the need for an open and connected platform approach to security. Adopting this type of approach can maximize investments by bringing new and existing security tools together, make SOC analysts more productive by moving their workflow into one place, and provide flexibility for organizations as their IT and security programs change. Our vision for a next-generation, open and integrated security platform is built around three key tenets:

Open architecture: With the growing number of different tools and cloud platforms that organizations are using today, a next-gen security platform must be open enough to easily work with different tools from different vendors. Consolidating existing tools or moving data is often too expensive and complex to undertake, but adopting a platform that is based on open-source technology and backed by an open standards body allows teams to maximize existing investments by bringing all tools together in a standardized way.
Centralized hub: SOC anal ..

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