Why You Need Both SIEM and SOAR Solutions in your Cybersecurity

Why You Need Both SIEM and SOAR Solutions in your Cybersecurity

When making cybersecurity decisions, most enterprises want the most streamlined offering. When possible, they want just one solution; after all, deploying more solutions could cause integration issues as well as run up costs. However, you need both SIEM and SOAR in your cybersecurity portfolio. We explore why below. 

Why Do You Need SIEM? 

Before we can dive into why you need both SIEM and SOAR, we first need to explore what these solutions do individually. 

Security Information and Event Management, often shortened to SIEM, acts as a branch of security analytics. Your business, regardless of its size, generates event data from all of the firewalls, network tools, and intrusion detection systems. In fact, these tools generate event data on an overwhelming scale—even a small business could overwhelm human professionals. 

Analyzing this event data matters, as it contains information that could indicate a data breach or an intruder. Therefore, SIEM works to make analysis easier for IT professionals. It collects, normalizes, and aggregates event data from throughout the network environment. Then, it analyzes this information, looking for patterns that could indicate a security event. Afterward, it sends an alert to the IT security team so they can investigate.

Next-generation SIEM can offer even greater visibility and contextualization into potential security events. For example, many solutions deploy user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to establish baseline behaviors for both human and non-human actors. If any actor operates outside their baseline, the SIEM solution recognizes it and performs early ..

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