Windows 7 Gets One Last Update For the Road

Windows 7 Gets One Last Update For the Road

Have you heard about this little thing called Space Force? If so, it's probably through ridicule; the latest branch of the US military has received no shortage of it since it launched at the end of last year. Still, at least it had a better week than Intel, which had to release a patch for a patch for its patch of its ZombieLoad problem. Say that five times fast.

This week we also took a look at the most common Mac malware, at least by antivirus firm Kaspersky's reckoning. What makes Shlayer impressive is how widespread it is despite being relatively plain. And we profiled senator Mark Warner, an uncommonly sophisticated critic of Big Tech and voice of reason on the Senate Intelligence Committee. His colleague Elizabeth Warren is running for president, and released an ambitious plan to fight disinformation in the 2020 election.

Every browser is moving to embrace more privacy, but they all disagree on how to do it. Well, mostly Chrome disagrees. We took a look at just how easy it would be to stop Stingray surveillance, and why it's still so unlikely to happen. And while your smartphone has encryption built in, you could always do more to make sure it's working overtime for you. Here's how.

And that's not all! Every Saturday we round up the security ..

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