Writing Cybersecurity Articles - Setting Up Your Writing Process

Writing Cybersecurity Articles - Setting Up Your Writing Process

by Dr. Chris Veltsos, CISSP, member of (ISC)² Advisory Council of North America 

Writing can be one of those professional development win-win activities that not only brings joy to the person engaged in it, but also brings knowledge, value — and yes, in some cases even joy — to the reader. All of us remember reading a particularly well-crafted sentence and thinking to ourselves “wow, that was well written.” You might have even thought “gee, I wish I could write like that.” Well, you probably can, but unlike in the movies, it probably won’t come to you in a full sentence at the moment you summoned it. In this article, I want to encourage you to explore — especially if you tried before and gave up — developing your writing, by setting up a process that is both light and rewarding to you personally, and since this is after all an (ISC)² blog, professionally.

What Drives You?

Motivation is an important force to accomplish our goals. Of course, we need a lot more than motivation to get things done but having that quick internal reflection about what drives you to writing is an important part of your journey. Remember a time when you wrote something that you were particularly happy with? Perhaps it was writing letters to friends, writing poetry, writing an essay — whether a philosophical one or a business-focused one. You still have that spark, that ability to transmute ideas or feelings into words.

Spend a few minutes analyzing whether your motivation to write is internally driven — you want to write primarily for yourself, whether or not there will be a reader other than you — or externally driven — you nee ..

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