Yeast is a Hot Commodity; Brewing and Breadmaking During Lockdown

Yeast is a Hot Commodity; Brewing and Breadmaking During Lockdown

In the recent frenzy of stocking up with provisions as the populace prepare for their COVID-19 lockdown, there have been some widely-publicised examples of products that have become scarce commodities. Toilet paper, pasta, rice, tinned vegetables, and long-life milk are the ones that come to mind, but there’s another one that’s a little unexpected.

As everyone dusts off the breadmaker that’s lain unused for years since that time a loaf came out like a housebrick, or contemplates three months without beer and rediscovers their inner home brewer, it seems yeast can’t be had for love nor money. No matter, because the world is full of yeasts and thus social media is full of guides for capturing your own from dried fruit, or from the natural environment. A few days tending a pot of flour and water, taking away bacterial cultures and nurturing the one you want, and you can defy the shortage and have as much yeast as you need.

More Than Just A Supermarket Product Line

CIdermaking, chez List. Natural yeast ciders can be tricky to get right, so I usually cheat and add a champagne yeast culture.

Everyone enjoys the odd crusty loaf or foaming pint. The yeast that make this possible is an interesting technical subject in its own right that makes a significant entry into the hacker community. There’s a lot more to it than just the sachets of baker’s yeast in the supermarket ingredients ..

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