You’d better change your birthday – hackers may know your PIN

You’d better change your birthday – hackers may know your PIN

Are you in the 26% of people who use one of these PIN codes to unlock their phones?

You’ve likely seen a list of top 25 passwords that get reused time and time again – “password” is a usual suspect – but what about phone PIN numbers? How unique are the PIN codes that we choose to stop cybercriminals from getting into our phones and their eyes onto our most precious accounts?

People tend to lock their phones with a code, but what if someone knew that code or could possibly work it out? Maybe they could guess it from frequently used PIN numbers? Would they then be able to read your emails, send a WhatsApp or view your Amazon basket?

Recent research from the SANS Institute found the top 20 most common mobile phone PIN codes were (and not in order):


They found that an astonishing 26% of all phones are cracked using these codes. There is a good chance that if your phone is stolen or lost, criminals could get into your phone within their first few attempts – even without knowing anything about you.

So why do people – including Kanye West – continue to use simple codes? Well, it might be best to answer this question first: When did you last change the PIN code to unlock your phone?

Most people have now had a smart phone complete with a lock on it for around a decade and it must be said that in 2007, when the first Apple iPhone came out, we wer ..

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