Your Guide to Securing Multi-Cloud Environments in an IaaS World

Your Guide to Securing Multi-Cloud Environments in an IaaS World

The SaaS model revolutionized the software industry and is now the norm, with companies using more cloud-based applications than ever before. Following the shift to SaaS has been another wave of cloud innovation, bringing the benefits of the cloud to infrastructure.

The IaaS model is now going mainstream. In 2018, 42% of organizations adopted IaaS, with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure leading the way. However, many of these companies are not relying on a single vendor and are instead spread out over multiple clouds, with a variety of vendors and services.

While the usage of multi-cloud was initially driven by reliability concerns, organizations have realized that a multi-cloud strategy has other advantages. Vendor lock-in is a risk, so breaking free from reliance on a single vendor has become a strong motivator. And every provider has its own selling points, offering features that can’t be found elsewhere for the same price. Additionally, due to industry regulations and compliance mandates, some organizations need a cloud located in a particular area.

But multi-cloud architecture comes with unique security challenges, so securing multi-cloud environments is a concern for organizations using them. In this post, we’ll cover the unique challenges with securing cloud environments, and some best practices specifically focused on securing multi-cloud infrastructure.

Challenges of protecting and securing multi-cloud environments

Security for multi-cloud architecture is, by definition, more complex than security for a single cloud. And complexity varies by industry, too—organizations need to comply with regulations and meet requirements such as HIPAA and PCI, which will need to be done differently in multi-cloud environments. You’ll ..

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