Zero trust: Trust no one, verify everything | SC Media

Zero trust: Trust no one, verify everything | SC Media

Tried-and-true security solutions like URL filtering, anti-phishing software, firewalls, and other detection and signature-based solutions are able to mitigate most cybersecurity attacks. But they operate on the erroneous assumption that anyone and anything already inside of an organization network perimeter is safe and can be trusted. This line of thinking has long been proven incorrect, much to the dismay of IT departments and executive teams whose networks have been compromised by insiders, both intentionally and through simple human error.

The proliferation of cyberthreats has numerous drivers: sophisticated phishing schemes, social engineering, application vulnerabilities, and everchanging strains of malware. The dynamic cyberthreat landscape continues to present one of the most pressing challenges that confronts even the most progressive and forward-thinking IT departments.

It is essential for organization leaders to grasp the potential risks and the full business impact of even a “minor” security breach. According to the Ninth Annual Cost of Cybercrime Study conducted on behalf of Ponemon Institute and Accenture, security breaches have increased by 67% in the last five years. Yet many managers are unaware of the fact that current approaches are inade ..

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