zkLend: blockchain money market protocol built on StarkNet raises $5M

zkLend, a money market protocol being built on StarkNet, has announced it has raised $5 million in seed-round funding led by Delphi Digital, anchored by StarkWare and Three Arrows Capital.

Produced on Starkware’s StarkNet, zkLend will be able to scale at a factor of 1-200 of Ethereum’s usual cost, while inheriting Ethereum’s high level of security.

In building one of the core primitives on StarkNet, the zkLend team will launch Artemis, their permissionless lending offering, in Q3 2022.

Artemis will enable DeFi users to borrow against their assets in a cheap, efficient, and safe way. Institutional and corporate users needing a KYC and AML-compliant solution will be able to use Apollo, the permissioned solution expected to launch early next year.

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